Official website! Commissions, blogs, characters n’ moar… :D
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Full Name: Kurteimu Midõmirei
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: FoxA talented interior decorator fox known for his kind and affectionate personality. Though he may seem a tad serious at times, he always approaches his work with a warm heart. Kurteimu enjoys the company of his friends and assists Prince Hiemu in navigating the kingdom with ease, showcasing his generosity and helpful nature.* Da friend in his head is called Rioku, they are like brothers. :3
Recent art where Kurteimu appear...
Full Name: Ikkemipu “Ikky” Hõmkio
Pronouns: They/Th… Nonono, She/H… Nope… OH OH OH, ALL NOOOOOUNS, MUAHAHAHAHAHA
Species: HYPER CANDYMAN FOOOOOOOOX owowowowowowowowowoIn the bustling city of New Fileno, you'll find "Hõmkio's Confectionery", a place filled with magic and delectable sweets owned by the extravagant fox Ikkemipu. With an outgoing, quirky, and hyperactive personality, Ikkemipu is the heart and soul of this charming establishment, where fun and flavour come together to create unforgettable sweet experiences.
Recent art where Ikkemipu appear...
Full Name: Hiemu "Hemi" Keigno
Pronouns: They/Them
Species: Arctic FoxHiemu is a lovable, adorable fop who enjoys making people life filled with happiness. He's the prince of Fileno and do his best on protecting it.
Recent art where Hiemu appear...
Full Name: Lumiukko “Lumik” Modõkidoî
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: White TigerA brave, big hearted tigress that can make people laugh easily. Has a soft spot for cheesecakes… She is also part of the royal guard, since she has liked to help others
Recent art where Lumiukko appear...
Full Name: Rêaltài d’Keigno
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Kit Fox / Silver Fox
Recent art where Rêaltài appear...